Thursday, August 20, 2009

So, it's come to this?

I may have mentioned in the past, we have gone through some great extremes to have a vegetable garden in our back yard. It has jokingly become known as the vegetable cemetery and the place that seeds go to die. Well, this year my wife, Kath, decided to grow carrots. We watched as they went through periods of trial and tribulation.
Slowly emerging from my beautifully prepared soil, then seemingly going dormant. Then again, shooting up just as quickly as they had languished before. Anticipating their maturity, we'd occasionally pull one and they would be the tiniest of sprouts. We waited and yet we still had gherkin sized orange tubers. So we kicked our patience into gear and waited some more. (Is that an oxymoron?) The green tops flourished but the fruit of those tops were stagnant. Finally someone told us, when the foliage starts to whither, then and only then would the carrot be ready for harvest. OK, so the time seemed at hand and I began pulling. This is the first of those plucks. Holy schmoly, mutant veggies. The rest have even more bizarre shapes and clusters...ooops, sorry, a client just called and I need to move be continued...OK, back to the veggies at hand. See below.

And to think I used to laugh at Ripley's "Believe it or not" or "Our own Oddities"

Post Note: Speaking of believe it or not. The ad below from Google appeared in the edit window of my blog.

Homegrown Vegetables
Grow healthy vegetables without a garden. No digging, weeding, hoeing


Larry the Artist said...

What's in your soil, man?

Jerry Tovo said...

Apparently, uranium or radon or solyent green or any number of unknown toxins, but they are organic.

LaurieSK said...

Isn't Einstein attributed with the quote that "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting diffrent results?" Plant the garden somewhere else and post this spot with Abandon All Hope!