Thursday, December 13, 2007


C'est un petit excersise idiot où j'ai tapé la copie dans le widget de traducteur sur mon tableau de bord d'imper. J'ai voulu voir si n'importe qui attrapait le blog et savait assez pour trouver n'importe quelles erreurs dans la traduction. Si vous parlez ou lisez français, peut-être vous pourriez présenter ses observations sur lui est exactitude.



Anonymous said...

My high school French is too rusty to reply in the language, but I sort of understood it even though the translation may have been a little off. Then again, my memory might be a little off.

Jerry Tovo said...

Thanks Jody, I'm pretty sure you're right about the translation being off. That's kinda the secret to the whole silliness.

Anonymous said...

A Google translation:

It is a small excersise idiot when I typed copy in the Widget Translator on my dashboard Mac. I wanted to see if any Which caught the blog and knew enough to locate any Errors in the translation. If you speak or read french, perhaps You could submit its comments on its accuracy. Thank you.

Jerry Tovo said...

Very good. You caught me at my own game.

I have to get a life not attached to the computer.