I have been encouraged to ramp up this blog and it's something that I have considered before.
The question I ask myself is, do I do it looking for validation or just to look for some validation? Yes, that's how my mind works or doesn't, these days.
I hate to admit that most of my current work percolates out of my eyePhone. In the past, I would promise myself to always carry a camera with me and from that I found, nothing interesting ever seemed to materialize when I did.
I spent quite some time researching a really good smallish camera and finally settled on the Sony RX100 III. A great little camera it is, with a fast lens, usable zoom, and an eye-level viewfinder for sunny days when the rear EVF is hard to see. It's small in my hands so I added an aftermarket grip and now it suits my wants just fine.
Maybe just for this post, I'll throw in some eyePhone images just to see what feedback, not validation, I might receive.
As I type this, I'm wondering who might even see this since I've been quite a while away from this blog. The people who had been following have likely lost sight of it.
I had a momentary impulse to travel and photograph what I found that fell under the category of "What Time Has Left Behind" but then I came to realize that 90% of all photographers look for old run down properties in hopes of making art.
This is from Cairo, Illinois. (pronounced kay row)